Covering God's Earth With His Glory
Thank you for Joining us today and our special Guest speaker.
Lee C. Roberson serves as Apostle of Sons of God Embassy, Kingsland, Ga (USA). Apostle Lee C. Roberson has the Heart of the Father for the emerging generation. He impacts the lives of many through his prayers, prophetic insight, and wisdom. He is known for his teaching and preaching of the word of God and has witnessed many signs and wonders in his ministry. He also moves in great revelation of the Spirit of God. He has been sent to raise up sons of God, to equip, and train them for their God-given assignment. He is truly fulfilling the call on his life by uncovering the gifts that lie within many. Apostle Roberson walks in wisdom beyond his years and with a humble heart, he reaches many lost souls for the Kingdom of God. His first love is Evangelistic work, but God has used him in various offices and gifting’s when needed to breathe life in and on those who have lost the very essence of life. God has anointed Apostle Roberson with the Holy Ghost and with power and he goes about doing good and healing all that are oppressed of the devil for truly God is with him. Apostle Roberson currently operates under the covering of his spiritual Father Apostle Francis Myles of Lovefest Church International in Tempe, AZ